Today Rod and I played a 500 point game as we now both have fully painted lists! We only play with painted armys
so this was Rods first game with Menoth and my seconed with the Pirates.
499/500 points
Captain Phinneus Shea
Bosun Grogspar
First Mate Hawk
Lord Rockbottom
Sea Dog Crew (6)
-Mr. Walls
-Sea Dog Rifleman
497/500 points
Grand Scrutator Severius
Exemplar Seneschal
Vassal of Menoth
Choir of Menoth (6)
Holy Zealots (10)
-Monolith Bearer
Turn 1:
Jacks and solos move up to the Sea dogs that advance deployed 10 inches out
Menoth advances and trys to cast a spell on the sea dogs but misses.
Turn 2:
Mariner drops a shell that devates and kills two choir boys and the sea dogs charge the Zealots but only kill 3. Grogspar
moves up and throws the Revenger into the Freebooter's charge lane. Freebooter charges clobers and throws the Revenger at
Severius and knocks down the Vassal.
Zealots go nutz and kill Mr. Walls and with the help of the Seneschal all but 2 of the Sea Dogs.
Turn 3:
Freebooter charges the Devout hoping to take him out or make him use his defensive strike but only does 2 damage to the
thing and he keeps the strike. Grogspar chances it and charges, the Devout takes the strike....and MISSED HA! Grogspar
gets 3 attacks: smacks Severius for 24 but misses the next then throws him for...1 inch on the last. Hawk then charges,
by running though the zealots, and finishes him off.