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Cygnar vs. Cryx (Chris vs Rod) 750 points

Well Rod and I now both have 750points painted!

And what better way to celebrate than to try and kill each other?


Rod's(dflynsqrl)Web Site

Cygnar (Chris):
Comander Coleman Stryker
Captain Arlan Strangeways
Journeyman Warcaster
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages
Storm Lances (5)
Sword Knights (8)
Lady Aiyana and Master Holt
Points: 742/750
Cryx (Rod):
Iron Lich Asphyxious
Ogurn Bokur
Pistol Wraith
Pistol Wraith
Bile Thralls (6)
Mechanithralls (10)
-Brute Thrall
Satyxis Raiders (6)
-Sea Witch
Points: 749/750

Cryx won the starting roll but wanted cygnar to go first.

Turn 1:

Weeee I get to go first! First things first: ADVANCE!


First no focus to anybody. I ran my cav out and right to threaten the Cryx flank with a turn 2 charge. Both Lancers and Sword Knights moved up six inches, with the sword knights in a tight two line formation. Strangways moves up and casts High Performance on the Cent. Cent "Charges" the model in front of him, so gets to move 7 inches (I know its cheep but i wanted to hog my focus).

Gun Mages line up behind the right lancer, Jr. moves up and casts Arcane Shield on the Storm Lances.  Stryker moves up and casts Snipe for six on the gun mages. Last to go is Aiyana and Holt who move up and go Invis, thus ending turn 1 for me.



Turn 1.5:

Cryx start by moving up as well with the Satyxis Raiders to try and block the Stormlances.  Rod ran one Boneripper out and blasted the Stormlance Lt. with Hellfire (the stormlance took it like a man....course he did have 20 ARM with Arcane Shield).  Pistol Wraths make a run up the flank but every body else is forced to stay close together.



Turn 2:



Stryker maintains Snipe keeping the rest of his focus and Jr maintains AS. The Jacks and Sword Knights move up (6 inches for every one save the Cent who moves 4).  Gun Mages line up for some nice snipe boosted fire!.....and I forgot to go with Aiyana 1st and make their attacks magical…. Oh well no shooting Pistol Wraiths then, so instead the hammer the Seether with Shoocker rounds but fail to knock out the cortex and kill two McThralls. Stryker goes and casts Earthquake on the McThralls knocking 5 of the down.  And no comes the fun part!




Stormlances charge: two charge the raiders (one to the Sea Witch and one to the unit leader) another charges the Seether and the last two charge the turkey jack.  Inpact hits kill all but one of the front row of raider and  the charge kills the Sea Witch but fail to kill the unit leader.  The one that charges the Seether does a very nice hit taking out an arm.  The last two slaughter the poor turkey jack.


Turn 2.5



Those pesky Stormlances have tied down Rod’s left flank, so he moves his heavies into position to do something about it. First the Seether goes (hitting a Seether makes a Seether MAD!) The Seether rips apart the poor Stormlance.  One Turkey jack runs out in front of every one and the Slayer, Ogurn and Asphyxious move to control the middle.  Now for: REVENGE OF THE TURKEY JACK!


Asphyxious casts Hellfire….(What Rod your target is not a Stormlance? Well crap…) and tags the leader of my gun mage unit (but they were about to use Thunderbolt rounds with Deadeye on my turn….jerk.) she dies and the units fails the moral check with a 11! RUN AWAY!!!!!


McThralls move up to tie up the lancer and Sword Knights.


Turn 3:



Syrker gives 3 focus to the Cent and drops Snipe, Jr. maintains AS and the Gun Mages rally (the pansies). Sword Knights charge the McThralls and don’t kill them all…man their squishy but just not bunched up right and 2 Knights missed (with four attacks mind you, sword masters-yeah right)… so 3 and the brute live.


Stryker moves up casts AS on the knights and pops his feat Invisibility: putting the swordknights at 23 ARM and the Stormlances at 25 ARM!


Lady Aiyana and Master Holt go: Aliyana casts Harm on the Turkey Jack Holt shoots and nails him twice. Jr. shoots and boosts attack and dmg killing the Turkey.


Strangeways moves up casts High Performance on the Cent, who charges (for free) and tags the Seether ripping off his left arm, tags him again takes out the right and movement (but the sucker is still in play…) but uses the last attack to kill Ogren Stormlances move in one hits the last Turkey, one attacks the Seether and the other two take out the last of the raiders.  


Turn 3.5:

What does it take to kill one of these guys!


McThralls move in on the Sword Knights but can do no DMG, the Brute Thrall double fist attacks the Cent but can do no dmg and neither can the slayer. Seether and Asphyxious attack and kill one storm lance.

Turn 4:

Stryker maintains AS so does Jr. Sword Knights finish off the Mc Thralls and the Brute. The Cent attack the Slayer and kills it, the Lancer attacks the Turkey but it too lives and keeps the arch node. Aiyana and Holt move up and Aiyana casts the No Spells or Feats while within 10 inches of her holt shoots and kills a bile thrall. Jr moves up, Gun Mages move up to screen Styker from the Pistol Wraiths in the woods (yeah that does not work so you know)

Turn 4.5:

BEWHARE the Pistol Wraith!


A bile thrall purges but does not hurt the lances but does kill another bail thrall and take out the arch node on the Turkey. Asphyxious goes and kills a Stormlance (cant cast or use his feat)  Attacks with the Seether but for no dmg on the Cent, and the Turkey attacks but misses. (By the start of my maintenance phase I am down to 1 Stormlance from dmg from corrosion and just getting hammered.)


Pistol Wraiths go and move out of the woods and shoot Stryker... But the first one misses both attacks...the Seconded on hits all 3 and leaves Stryker with 3 hit points

Turn 5:

Don’t Hate the Merc Hate the Game.


Stryker hogs his focus Jr. upkeeps AS. Cent moves up and finishes off the Seether, Lancer finishes off the Turkey.  Gun Mages gun down the Pistol Wraiths (that will show em!).  Aiyana casts Harm on Asphyxious <Evil Grin> holt shoots him twice (24 and 22 DMG I think).  Jr. shoots Asphyxious boosting both attacks (27 DMG if I remember right) and Stormlance moves up and finish off the Iron Lich!


"Speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far" -Theodore Roosevelt