Lord Commander Danger Mouse

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For what I am currently painting check out my paint blog.

I am currently working on making some steam-mushroom houses. i have taken some pipe fittings from the hardware store for the base and some martini glasses for the tops.

Step 1: I have taken one short pipe with a coupling and base plate to make the bases of the shrooms. Here are the bases for the mushrooms sitting next to my 2 mushrooms from armorcast.


Step 2: Next I cut off the stem of the glass and attached it to the base with greenstuff. I also ringed the top half of the base with small pipes (both PVC and Copper).


Step 3: I etched the cup with a hobby knife then green-stuffed brass tubing and old watch parts on as well as drilling holes for the tubing and the larger gears with a pin vice.



Step 4: Paint!



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"Speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far" -Theodore Roosevelt